Westchester County
Through public hearings and a Shared Service Panel, Westchester County Executive leaders identified water concerns in many municipalities of the county. There are proposals around consolidating Municipal Water Operations and creating Regional Water and Sewer Districts. Additionally, there is an ongoing discussion about the potential benefits of a Public-Private Partnership (P3) alternative to allow the county to assess and select the correct management approach for its water and wastewater systems to deliver the most valuable and innovative solution trough an effective use of technology.
According to the EPA and the Department of Health, the estimated cost for basic repairs on the New York State water system are $22bn and $39bn. To simply upgrade the Westchester infrastructure will cost $600m, as the current system has outlived its useful life. Moreover, New York State ranks 43 out of 50 in adherence to the Clean Water Act, requiring close to $70bn to comply with the standard. Westchester has the potential to become an example of best practices if successfully addresses its water challenge.
Our Work with Westchester County
Turf Advisory has partnered with Westchester County, Save the Sound, Federated Conservationists of Westchester County (FCWC) among other stakeholders to improve the county's water system and address outstanding consent orders with the City of Mount Vernon. We are orchestrating forums to build consensus and understanding of the value Public-Private Partnerships can bring to infrastructure projects. We also organize events and conduct a series of roundtables to foster community engagement around improving the water system. Turf also participates in community forums on Shared Services and contributes to efficiency strategies.